Vital Sign Monitor Device Equipped with a Telegram Notifications Based on Internet of Thing Platform

  • Sari Luthfiyah Departement of electromedical engineering,Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Agatha Putri Juniar Putri Juniar Santoso Departement of electromedical engineering,Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Tri Bowo Indrato
  • Michelle Omoogun Middlesex University (Mauritius Campus Branch), Vacoas, Mauritius
Keywords: Vital Sign Monitor, Temperature, Respiration Rate, IoT, ESP32 Microcontroller


Vital Sign Monitor is a tool used to diagnose a patient who needs intensive care to know the condition of the patient. Parameters used in monitoring the patient's condition include body temperature and respiration. The contribution of this research designed a vital sign monitoring tool with IoT-based notifications so that remote monitoring can be done by utilizing web, LCD, RGB LEDs as a display of the results of the study and notify telegrams if it becomes abnormal to the patient's condition. Therefore, in order to produce accurate data in the process of data retrieval, a relaxed position of the patient is required and the stability of the wi-fi network so that monitoring is not hampered. The study used the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor placed on the axilla and the piezoelectric sensor placed on the abdomen of the patient. The results of the study were obtained by taking data on patients. The resulting temperature value will be compared to the thermometer, which produces the highest error value of 0.56%, which is still possible because the tolerance limit is 1oC. and for the collection of respiration values that have been compared to the patient monitor obtained the highest error value of 6.2%, which is still feasible because the tolerance limit is 10%. In this study, there is often a crash library between the temperature sensor and other sensors, so for further research, recommend to replacing the temperature sensor


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How to Cite
S. Luthfiyah, A. P. J. P. J. Santoso, T. B. Indrato, and M. Omoogun, “Vital Sign Monitor Device Equipped with a Telegram Notifications Based on Internet of Thing Platform”,, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 108-113, Aug. 2021.
Research Article

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