Communication Prototype for Post-Stroke Patients Using Electrooculography (EOG)

  • Ukhti Alifah Aulia Rakhma Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Erika Loniza
  • Wisnu Kartika
Keywords: Post Stroke, Communication, EOG, MaM Sense


The background of this prototype is meant for post-stroke patients who have difficulties owing to trouble completing daily activities, particularly speaking with others. They have trouble communicating, which reduces their quality of life after a stroke. The goal of developing novel communication aids for post-stroke patients is to make it easier for post-stroke patients to communicate with caretakers. Electrooculography (EOG) signals generated by the movement of the eye muscles during eye glances collected by the MaM Sense sensor are employed in post-stroke communication aids. The microcontroller processes the method's command signal, which is subsequently displayed on a 20 x 4 Character LCD. For the four communications utilized, the MaM Sense sensor reading was successful 80.5% of the time. Thus, communication tools for post-stroke patients can help them communicate while also assisting caretakers in understanding the patient's wants. Improvements will be made in the design and wireless technologies for EOG signal recovery in the future.


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How to Cite
U. A. Aulia Rakhma, E. Loniza, and W. Kartika, “Communication Prototype for Post-Stroke Patients Using Electrooculography (EOG)”,, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 59-64, Feb. 2024.
Research Article