An Internet of Things-based Baby Scales for Supporting Stunting Case Monitoring

  • Mohamad sofie Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Semarang
Keywords: Stunting, Baby scales, IoT, Stunting monitoring


Stunting is an important problem, that potentially give negative impact to child development, quality of life and future of these stunted children. The government has tried to do prevention by monitoring and recording the toddlers growth. The problems are the process of recording and entering toddler growth data is still done manually. This is not effective if monitoring in large area. Modification of digital baby scales is carried out so that the result of reading baby scales recorded directly in the central data base. Modifications are made by adding IoT technology to baby scales. Based on the research conducted, it can be seen that the use of IoT-based baby scales can simplify the process of measuring toddlers' weight and height. A feature that displays a child's nutritional status makes the process of determining nutritional status faster. The results of unit testing show that the tool is running well with the level of accuracy are 0,3%  still within tolerance limits. The next research is expected to add location features, resumes per area and improve access levels on web pages.


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How to Cite
M. sofie, “An Internet of Things-based Baby Scales for Supporting Stunting Case Monitoring”,, vol. 5, no. 4, Nov. 2023.
Research Article