Analysis of Lost Data on Website-Based ECG Lead Data Sending and Receiving (Lead V1, V2, V3)

  • Wildan Darajat Department of Medical Electronic Engineering Technology, Health Polytechnic Surabaya
  • Anita Miftahul M Department of Medical Electronics Technology, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Vugar Abdullayev Department of Computer Engineering, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Moch. Prastawa Assalim Tetra Putra Department of Medical Electronics Technology, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: ECG, Website, Android Studio Application, Lost Data, Heart Disease


Coronary heart disease is a major health problem in almost every country in the world and is responsible for around 30 percent of all deaths worldwide. Heart disease can be detected early using a medical device called electrocardiography (ECG). ECG is very effective in recording the electrical activity of the human heart. The tool that functions to record the electrical signals of the heart is an electrocardiograph. The purpose of making this tool is to find out if there is lost ECG lead data before and after delivery and the process of comparing the signal on the web with the application. This study uses the Arduino Mega system for data processing and uses the Website and the Android Studio application to display data. In this study, we examined signal capture and signal monitoring for 5 times with a time span of 5 minutes per data collection using Phantom at BPM settings of 60, 80, and 100. With this research, the ECG monitoring system with signal display is expected to lead to further development. carry on.


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How to Cite
W. Darajat, A. Miftahul M, V. Abdullayev, and M. P. A. T. Putra, “Analysis of Lost Data on Website-Based ECG Lead Data Sending and Receiving (Lead V1, V2, V3)”,, vol. 6, no. 2, May 2024.
Research Article